Tuesday, February 24, 2009

IRC DCC auto leacher

Long ago in 2007 I wrote an irssi script to leach many packs from xdcc bots automaticaly. It's quite unfinished (ugly ui, etc) but I dind't touch it for ages although i'm still using it as it is. It supports downloading from only one bot at a time. If downloading breaks it will retry after timeout. Note that some bots hate if you retry right after a failure and they will ban you (sometimes waiting for more than 5 minutes is required).

Interfase is like this:

/xdccget queue [botname] [packs...] - you should start with this. After a minute xdccget will start leaching.
/xdccget add [packs...] - add more packs
/xdccget del - delete last pack
/xdccget pause - stop downloading, remove timers
/xdccget resume - resume downloading

here is the script:

# 2007, savrus
# Advanced downloader from xdcc bot. Independent on bot's language
# Based on XDCCget by Stefan "tommie" Tomanek
# Dustributed under GNU GPL v2 or higher

use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "20070321";
%IRSSI = (
authors => "savrus",
contact => "go to hell",
name => "xdccget",
description => "auto download from xdcc bot",
license => "GPLv2",
changed => "$VERSION",
commands => "xdccget"

use Irssi;
use vars qw(@g_queue $g_nick $g_server $g_witem $g_timer);

sub show_help() {
my $help="xdccget $VERSION
/xdccget queue Nickname ...
Queue the specified packs of the server 'Nickname'
/xdccget help
Display this help
print CLIENTCRAP $help;

sub sig_dcc_closed {
my ($dcc) = @_;
my ($dir,$file) = $dcc->{file} =~ m,(.*)/(.*),;

return unless $dcc->{type} eq 'GET';
return unless $dcc->{nick} eq $g_nick;

if ($dcc->{transfd} < $dcc->{size}) {
else {
# rename $dcc->{file}, "/ircdone/$file";

sub cmd_xdccget {
my ($args, $server, $witem) = @_;
my @arg = split(/ /, $args);

if ($arg[0] eq 'queue'){
shift @arg;
initialize_queue("@arg", $server, $witem);
elsif ($arg[0] eq 'add'){
shift @arg;
elsif ($arg[0] eq 'del'){
elsif ($arg[0] eq 'pause'){
elsif ($arg[0] eq 'resume'){
elsif ($arg[0] eq 'help') {
else {
print CLIENTCRAP "xdccget: $g_nick @g_queue";

sub pause {
$nick = $g_nick;
$g_nick = $nick;

sub resume {

sub shift_queue {
shift @g_queue;

sub clean {
# Clean previous job
if ($g_nick) {
my $nick = $g_nick;
$g_server->command("MSG $g_nick xdcc remove");
$g_nick = "";
$g_server->command("DCC close get $nick");
if ($g_timer) {

sub initialize_queue {
my ($args, $server, $witem) = @_;
my @args = split(/ /, $args);


$g_nick = $args[0];
shift @args;
@g_queue = @args;
$g_server = $server;
$g_witem = $witem;


sub process_queue {
while ((@g_queue[0] <= 0) && (scalar @g_queue > 0)) {
shift @g_queue;
if (scalar @g_queue > 0) {
$g_timer=Irssi::timeout_add(60 * 1000, 'transfer', undef);

sub transfer {
$g_server->command("MSG $g_nick xdcc send @g_queue[0]");

sub add_to_queue {
my (@args) = @_;
push @g_queue, @args;

sub dell_from_queue {
pop @g_queue;

Irssi::signal_add('dcc closed', 'sig_dcc_closed');
# TODO: handle rejoining the channel (self disconnection + auto reconnection)
# Be careful: content may be changed in such situation.
#Irssi::signal_add('channel joined', 'sig_channel_joined');

## Used in a modified script for a bot that was always disconnecting from the channel.
## But be careful - usually this happens when bot owner shuffles the packlist
#sub sig_message_join {
# my ($server, $channel, $nick, $addr) = @_;
# if ($nick eq $g_nick){
# print CLIENTCRAP "XDCCGET DEBUG: $nick joined channel (wait for $g_nick)";
# $g_server->command("MSG $g_nick xdcc remove");
# $g_server->command("DCC close get $g_nick");
# if ($g_timer) {
# Irssi::timeout_remove($g_timer);
# }
# resume();
# }
#Irssi::signal_add_last('message join', 'sig_message_join');

Irssi::command_bind('xdccget', \&cmd_xdccget);

print CLIENTCRAP '%B>>%n '.$IRSSI{name}.' '.$VERSION.' loaded';


Anonymous said...

Why the heck the journal's name in Japanese when the content's about coding? :)

savrus said...

Because it would has become an animu blog if technically entitled.

Anonymous said...
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savrus said...

This project now has it's own googlecode page: http://code.google.com/p/xdccget/

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for this great script!!